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Washington Council of government Surveyors

WCGS Monthly Business Meeting and Presentation
2nd Thursday's Monthly @ 10:00 PDT
 Microsoft Teams

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Make plans now to join us online for this important membership meeting.   You can view the meeting agenda here:

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WCGS Monthly Meeting and Presentation

  • 9 Jan 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Online via MS Teams


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WCGS Monthly Meeting and Presentation
2nd Thursdays @ 10 a.m.
via MS Teams
Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 275 521 276 249    -   Passcode: fiGyQd

Need to attend by phone:  +1 564-999-2000

Phone conference ID: 382 848 47#

1/09/2024 – Meeting Agenda:

  1. Introductions
  1. Invite other “Government” Surveyors to join the group
    1. Can everyone use/see the Outlook Calendar Invite?
    2. Paul is updating the email list with anyone who is interested.  Please forward emails and calendar invites to interested parties. 
    3. Other ways to generate interest in WCGS?
  1. Survey Conference Committee – We’ll need one if we want to put on a conference for 2026.  WSDOT used to attend this conference pretty heavily.  It might be good to see what their interest is.
  1. Discussion Topic: For January, 2025, our discussion will be on Right-of-Entry and Procedures for Accessing Private Land as Government Surveyors
    1. WA State Laws Regarding Surveyor and Government Right of Entry
  1. How do other Counties, Cities, and other government agencies gain access to private property?
  2. Who makes contact with land owners when you cross into private property? 
  •                                                               i.      Crews on the ground?
  •                                                              ii.      Someone contacting them on the phone or in person ahead of time?
  •                                                            iii.      Do you contact both the owner and the occupant?
  •                                                            iv.      Do you provide written notice or verbal, or either?
  •                                                              v.      Do you give the owner/occupant time to respond?  If so, how much time?
  •                                                            vi.      Do you provide copies of the survey to the owner after the fact?
  •                                                          vii.      Do you remove lath, flagging, etc. after the fact from their property?
  1. 2008 Article by Robert Dean in the Evergreen Surveyor about Right of Entry and whether or not it is right for WA State, attached to this invite (Thanks Luke!). 
  2. Oregon’s right of entry and some of the benefits and pitfalls of such a law:
  •                                                               i.      ORS 672.047:
  •                                                              ii.      OSBEELS FAQ (See ROE):
  •                                                            iii.      OSBEELS article on notice for ROE: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
  1. Has anyone been sued or gotten in trouble of some kind after accessing private property?  What sort of lessons did you learn that might help the group?
  1. Meetings are the second Thursday of the month at 10 AM at the following link: 

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Meeting ID: 275 521 276 249

Passcode: fiGyQd

Washington Council of Government Surveyors
Call our 
Office: +1 (360) 358.5789 


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